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In the framework of LA THELEMA, the association VillArt proposes an architectural exploration of the habitat through a workshop of spatial studies and lifestyles, supervised by Japanese architect KINYA MARUYAMA. Strengthened by his French experiences in Nantes or Grenoble, as well as his long professional career, the workshopper architect will propose, with the help of three companions of adventures and participants from many different backgrounds, a concrete research. This project will examine the relationship between a built heritage (a small abandoned house), a cultural heritage (proximity to the sea and the fishing world in Boulogne sur mer), contemporary architecture (and its questions about Lifestyles today) and a three-week meeting around a common project. The exterior aspect of the house will be restored identically to affirm the internal and external interventions that will come juxtaposed on the existent to better reveal it or integrate to better inhabit it. Its interior will be totally emptied to leave only an "envelope" to accommodate all possible. Only a kitchen and a large table will be installed ensuring the life of the place and a "build together" during daily meals.


From these encounters between the cultures and know-how of the various participants, an urban, evolutive and original work will emerge that will update the question of heritage within the city. It will propose an experiment on this notion summoning past, present and future. The space will therefore be no longer smooth, but a compound of diversities and ideas, a reflection of the natural in the design of our cities today. Then, the work will evolve to become a real habitat and the final destination of the house as a gite city break will allow an atypical reception and an original life experience in the city, as well for the intrigued visitors as for the artists of passage In the “boulonnais” area.

La Thelema 2011KINYA MARUYAMA and the Japanese team!

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